Things Happen For A Reason

Things Happen For A Reason

We Will Come Out Stronger Because of This In 2007, Florina Petcu represented USA Muaythai at the IFMA tournament in Bangkok, Thailand. At the time, she had only four fights but the opportunity was available and she wanted it bad. With some amazing teammates who were...
Punch Up Your Exercise Routine

Punch Up Your Exercise Routine

FOCUS ON YOUR MENTAL HEALTH, PUNCH UP YOUR EXERCISE ROUTINE Whether you are looking to improve your overall health, mental health, learn some new skills, or just want to take your work out to the next level, there are many ways to improve your fitness routine. And...
Muay Thai Education On The Rise

Muay Thai Education On The Rise

If you have ever been to one of the hosted fight nights at Carlsbad Kickboxing Club, you are well aware that the sport of muay thai in terms of scoring is arguably one of the more complex to judge in global combat sports. The United States Muay Thai Federation too...